I felt fully prepared leaving for Jordan three weeks ago. Equipped with a 55ltr backpack laden with books, a compost thermometer, a dumpy level as hand luggage, and a few well-chosen words of advice from former patrons of the land: “Leave all expectations behind.” Little did I know that amid my preparations and the excitement of the journey, I would also find myself pondering an entirely different kind of departure—how to extricate oneself from complex commitments, much like figuring out https://canceltimesharegeek.com/how-can-i-get-out-of-my-timeshare-legally/. This unexpected contemplation added an intriguing layer to my travels, making the experience all the more enriching.n fact, as i remember correctly, it was to “flush them down the toilet”. Within hours of my arrival it became rapidly apparent that would become the most useful thing I was to bring with me, or rather didn’t bring, as the case may be.
Collecting rocks for spillways
Setting out the swales
Now, before I continue here, I must very clearly add that this is a rather favourable time of year to ‘rock up’ to the Dead Sea Valley with an intent to cause permie havoc on the Greening the Desert, ‘The Earthwork Strikes Back’ project site. I do feel rather let off the hook from what some of the other contributing volunteer pioneer species have had to endure here over the years in terms of lack of infrastructure, brutal summer heat and a reduced water supply — even to the measly quota we receive at the moment (sometimes only 2-3hrs of mains supply a week which is barely enough to fill the two relatively small plastic roof tanks and a small concrete irrigation tank).
As I pop another project-grown sweet cherry tomato in my mouth, I say thanks to all those that have come before me to put in a seemingly enormous effort to get the farm to the place this tender understory specie has the fortune to become acquainted and to call home for the next several weeks. There are three huge swales running east to west, dividing up the property; a shade structure nursery, annual food production, a very sophisticated shower and compost toilet building (what, no watering can suspended from a tree and a hole in the ground?), a grandiose education facility, a plethora of edible tree crops, and, well, it wouldn’t be a desert permaculture landscape without them, countless thorn laden desert legumes providing plentiful mulch, nitrogen fixation and wind protection for the dry degraded soils, multiple punctured wheelbarrow tyres and some well received dappled shade for the annual veggies and myself during the late afternoon sun.
With the once in a lifetime world class PDC line up only 7 months away, things are really powering up for what is to be an incredible IPC in September. After the conference and convergence are over, attendees will have opportunity to visit this site in the post-IPC tours. Hamsa, Anselm and Dan (Members of Entity Green, Jordan’s only waste recycling company) arranged a monster work party this weekend of thirty people to come down to the farm from Amman to assist and learn new skills with the natural building elements of the rather dominating yet impressive structure that greets you as you arrive at the farm.
The west wall (straw bale and earth plaster) is almost completed and the south wall raising is set to be underway any day. Then there is the matter of making a few thousand earth bricks (with machine, not by hand — phew), for the north and east walls. We then look forward to the arrival of Sasha Rabin (Vertical Clay) from the United States in a few weeks, bringing her ten years of natural building experience to the dusty Dead Sea desert to co-teach a comprehensive building course with Hamsa himself, where participants (both overseas and local) will get hands-on experience of multiple aspects of natural building — from passive solar design, creating and laying earth bricks, straw bale construction, cob, earthern plasters, and I am sure it wont stop there.
Now, adjacent to the towering education facility is a small, cosy, concrete bomb shelter (as I endearingly like to call it) that has just been completed — which means i get to sleep in relative luxury. Well, me, a family of mice, 387 flies (that I discovered double as a free, biological air conditioning source if you get them to fly low and fast enough above your head) and several howling stray mutts just outside the gate. It has really begun to feel like home and it’s nice to have the company in the evenings after a dawn to dusk day of digging swales and connecting up compost toilet overflows (fortunately before they have been ‘employed’ I hasten to add). My Arabic is dreadful at best and seems to somehow get worse as the days go by, but myself and several generations of the Abu Judah family (army) of volunteers all manage brilliantly together. I fear I have been rather duly named ‘Abdullah’, after the King. I can only assume it is because I have been somehow thrust in charge of orders and have yet to do any washing up after any of the many daily feasts we have here. I tried today to offer but I was just handed another glass of teeth aching sweet tea and told to sit down and relax. I wonder if I will get a goat milk bath, Dead Sea salt scrub and grapes hand fed to me tomorrow? I keep reassuring myself with the distant echoes of Bill’s early comments that permaculture, was, essentially, easy and abundant, right? “Danger of Falling Food” and all that. I just had no idea it would come so soon into my apprenticeship.
When we find any spare time in between meals and tea breaks, the landscape team here are getting stuck into some rather exciting earthworks, following on from some unannounced heavy rains last week which ripped through the site. We have been installing multiple terraced infiltration basins along the boundary line to slow the flow of the flash run off from the road just outside the property. The basins then feed into three new hand-dug swales further down the watershed to spread and sink the precious resource throughout as much of the site as possible. Once the framework is completed in a few days we then get the rather satisfying opportunity to increase the vegetation and plant a host of new trees (edible/legume mix) throughout the middle and upper areas knowing they have the full support of the new passive earthwork irrigation system.
New swales (passive irrigation and soil erosion control)
From there we have a reed bed grey water overflow system to complete, the creation of a new contoured annual food production area next to the classroom and a compost facility to get heating up which will entail an extremely exciting adventure of hitting the local streets and gleaning as much goat, sheep and camel dung as we can lay our hands on! So much doing, feel free to come by and join the party if you are in the area. Just make sure you come with an empty stomach, a full tank of enthusiasm and your ‘pattern eye’ in focus. The rest I suggest, is probably best flushed down the toilet before you arrive….
Vronx says
Crikey Chris – this is one step beyond spreading pro-grow in Hampshire! X
rob avis says
Great work Chris! Hope to see you at the convergence and catch up!
Anton Lo says
Don’t you mean leave your expectations in the composting toilet;). Great to see the work you’re doing in Jordan- it must be one of the most degraded environments in the world. Perhaps a permaculturalist SHOULD be king there.
Joël Dunn says
nice one mate, inspiring stuff
Evan Young says
Good to hear from you Christian, I forgot that you were going over to Jordan
Miles Durand says
Very pleased to see of your permaculture progress in the valley.Photos tell a great story.Is it possible to connect todays people with thier past, the Nabatean in the Negev and Petra .What is old is new? I do recall being totally blown away following their water directing and storage systems ,built some 2,000 years ago when I was in the Negev [1979] Page 320 in Permaculture A designers manual.And I am sure that we will apreciate you the teams work during the IPCON 10 in september. More power to your long handled shovel.
Johnny says
Something that really struck me when watching Greening the desert 2, was the fact that the locals didn’t seem to understand how the system worked. Also, the fact that there didn’t seem to be any other sites which have replicated the practices was another clue that either the education approach was lacking, or the cultural appropriateness or the replicability (ie. can anyone else afford a grader or a massive cyclone fence?).
All the heroic solo efforts in the world are ultimately worth squat if all you are doing is impressing you tube watchers (and now Permaculture tourists) whilst sidestepping the locals.
Geoff Lawton says
Hi Johnny, stay tuned it is all there with the locals.
Jason Chang says
Great stuff! We need to get all the world’s Government’s on board with Permaculturizing all the world’s deserts. I’m sure we could make it happen if we gain the proper support, present it in the right way and have feasible implementation strategies.
Jordan Garcia says
Hey Christian!! Was wondering where in the world you got to haha. Looks like your doing well. Have Fun mate but make sure your workn for those grapes 😉
nadia says
i agree with johnny on the point that approaching local societies need also to be carefully designed taking into consideration the local culture and mentality. it’s just like designing a system that you want it to be sustainable and make real impact.
for that you need this system to develop naturally and from within the community, and not imposed upon them by a group of total strangers. hopefully this issue will be considered really carefully when introducing permaculture in areas other than western socities.
for example here in the arab region, few people will truly understand what permaculture is about. they may understand the techniques when they see successful ones, and perhaps replicate them, but hardly understand the wider philosophy behind them. it’s just a totally different mentality.
Perhaps the only way to introduce this change is by providing successful examples and transferring the knowledge to locals and see then how things will develop. i guess this is what Geoff and his team are trying to do.
Sage K says
Yeah, yeah. Sure you were diggin swales…I see that hookah! Sounds like a monumental process going on down there…thanks for the pics and inspiration. I’m already catching flies for my very own permie a/c. GO PERMIES!!!
Richy T, aka da filth! says
Hey Doug!
Amazing stuff, so very jealous, but well chuffed you doing this stuff, any consolation I’ve got plenty of donkey do outside the office window, what can I do with that? Be a good way of shutting Mr Tripp up I reckon, never mind building houses and using it to further dreadlock your hair!
Be good to catch up on your return as we failed miserbaly last time. xx
Brosey says
Brosey, that is one serious garden of earthly delights, great work, proud of you. No when you sorting out my soakaway?!
pops says
your my bokie so proud of what you are trying to achieve even trying the no dig bit on the allotment lets hope the plants appreciate it
Jerry & David says
You go you crazy gopher! We are in awe of all the good work. Carry on! I think you’ll have to wait for Marin for the goat-milk bath tho. FYI–we’re still enjoying the arugula you planted waterside. Best and Onward!
Nina says
Hello, this project looks amazing! Well done to all involved!! Truly inspiring. I have just moved to Amman from Australia and am yet to do my PDC, but planning to do it soon, if I can get a job to pay for it! In the meantime, my fiance and I would love to come out to the site and volunteer our hands to help you with this project. Please can you let me know the address of the site, and when you are next planning a working bee day? Thanks heaps.
renante areola says
What is the name of the background music in the Greening the Desert?